Eight: There were
eleven votes for guilty—it’s not so easy for me to raise my hand and send a boy
off to die without talking about it first.
Ten: [to Eight] I
don’t mind telling you this, mister. We don’t owe the kid a thing. He got a
fair trial, didn’t he? You know what that trial cost? He’s lucky he got it.
Look, we’re all grown-ups here. You’re not going to tell us that we’re supposed
to believe him, knowing what he is. I’ve lived among ‘em all my life. You can’t
believe a word they say. You know that.
Nine: …Since when is
dishonesty a group characteristic? You have no monopoly on the truth
Undeva in America (viata bate filmul)
Deci de
foarte multe ori, adica odata pe an, esti chemat sa-ti faci datoria de cetatean
si sa participi ca juriu intr-un proces civil. Daca esti norocos, cum am fost
eu pina acum....iti risti doar o zi, in care cu inca 100 de insi, astepti
intr-o sala de judecata... sa vezi cum se formeaza juriul de 12 + 2
rezerve...daca e un proces usor....si se aleg cei 14 in aceeasi zi...tu ai
scapat pt un an....sau daca merge mai greu cu alegerea lor...poti sa stai cu ei
3-4 zile pina se gasesc „oamenii potriviti” alesi de ambele parti: acuzarea si apararea.
Apoi esti liber....un an de zile ai scapat de aceasta „datorie”.