joi, 7 octombrie 2010

Multe giste fac galuste!

Mergeam zilele trecute cu nefasta in masina. La fiecare km ofta "Vai ce feerie de culori, vai ce feerie de culori" zicea ea privind dealurile si padurile. Mi-am dat seama ca a venit toamna.
Nostalgii, focu din curte la facut bulion, varza la butoi, cartofi, zacusca, muraturi, facut vin, pastrama cu must (asta chiar ca-mi lasa gura apa).
Acum totu-i industrializat, s-a dus romanticu toamnei, ramin doar oftaturile nefestei.
Ieri am jucat fotbal, terenu e linga un lac, erau mii de giste salbatice, aveau meeting point, sa se adune, se organizeaza si vor pleca. Nasoala e ca nu exista animal care se caca atit de mult precum gistele. Cica au un sistem de digestie deosebit, halesc iarba da nu o rumega, trebuie s-o digere repede ca sa nu se umfle si sa nu mai poata zbura, da n-o digera in intregime si d-aia fac o mizerie de nedescris. Nu cred ca exista in Germania loc mai murdar decit acolo unde campeaza gistele, da nu ai voie sa le-mpusti. Nu va spun in ce hal m-am facut de la fotbal si-n ce hal miros desi am facut chiar si baie.

Cred ca-n curind Germania va fi guvernata de animale. In Stuttgart e mare scandal de citeva zile pt. ca CFR, Deutsche Bahn, vrea sa faca o gara, proiect de miliarde, da pulimea nu vrea si fac demonstratii de multe zile. Nu au reusit nimic, da azi a intervenit EBA, nu, nu e EBA de care stiti voi, ci e Eisenbahnbundensamt, adica functionarii de certificare, s-a descoperit ca-n copacii care urmau a fi taiati pt. a construi gara traiesc niste gindaci. Cica acesti gindaci ar fi f. rari, pe cale de disparitie si deci monument al naturii.
Mai multi specialisti cauta solutii de salvare a acestora, unii ziceau sa-i adune si sa-i mute vro trei sute de metrii mai departe, aia de la protectia animalelor mici spun ca nu e bine pt. ca-i streseaza.

Tare mult mi-ar place daca gistele ar minca gindaci!

marți, 5 octombrie 2010

Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines

Va amintiti de acest film? L-am vazut in tinerete si mi s-a parut unu din cele mai emotionante si sensibile filme.
Acum cindva timp am scris despre ARCA. Am aflat cu multa bucurie ca baietii au reusit sa ridice racheta pin-la 40km. Desigur mai e mult pina departe, luna e pe cer, da fiecare lucru incepe cu un mic pas.
Acesti oameni minunati si masinile lor zburatoare!
P.S Il invidiez, un pic, pa baiatu din poza, e frumos, fericit, lumea e a lui, viata e tare frumoasa!

miercuri, 29 septembrie 2010

La multi ani blogule!

Uite ca facui un an de cind am blog, pot spune ca m-am distrat destul de bine. M-as bucura daca in acest an am reusit sa fac pa unu sau pa alta sa zimbeasca, macar odata. O zi fara zimbarlici e o zi pierduta. Am vrut initial sa fac o statistica, da pa cine intereseaza, interesant e faptu ca postarea mea cu "imi plac curvele" a avut un mare succes si e si azi cautata.
Dupa cum vede toata lumea, nu mi-am facut "blogroll" si nici n-o sa fac, nu-mi pasa in ce rang as fi pa nu stiu ce top, ma bucur ca sunt citit, da prefer sa ramin la cititorii mei de elita, carora le multumesc pt. ca ma viziteaza si pt. comentarii.
Vorbeam de statistica, cautind sa bag ceva cifre am fost surprins sa vad ca sunt invadat de unii veniti de pe Blogary. Pt. cine nu stie, Blogary e un blog colectiv din intelectuali talibanici portocalii basescieni. M-am dat pa roate citva timp pa acolo, m-am amuzat grozav, cindva insa, dupa cum era de prevazut, m-au banat in cunoscutu stil prezidential. Chestia asta m-a aruncat intr-o mare depresie. Nu-nteleg de ce m-au vizitat, de altfel sunt f. timizi, niciunu nu a lasat nici un comment. Nu cumva vor sa ma propuna intr-o functie politica? Ma rog!

In incheiere vreau sa ma scuz pt. jenantele greseli gramaticale, unele au fost de tastatura, altele din neglijenta si, de ce sa nu recunosc, unele din nestiinta.

Ii multumesc nefestii pt. intelegerea ei cu acest hobby al meu de placere, care rapeste destul de mult timp conjugal, chiar daca ea s-a bucurat uneori ca a ramas proprietara telecomenzii si a putut viziona in liniste nenumaratele "Sex in the City".

Inchin in cinstea tuturor cititorilor mei, mai ales cititoarelor, si in cinstea tuturor romanilor un pahar de vin.

Hai noroc si sanatate ca-i mai buna decit toate si belelele curge!

luni, 27 septembrie 2010

Cum n-am devenit milionar!

La inceputu lunii am primti in tip sa cumpar actiuni de la Fa. Tria, cod AOXYL5, m-am documentat si am aflat ca e o firma care e deja cu un picior in groapa, gata de faliment. Atunci pretu actiei era de 0.28 Euroi, m-am uitat azi, e 20,80 Euroi. De regula investesc ca. 5000 euroi pe pachet deci daca as fi cumparat as fi avut azi 371428,57, daca scadem impozitu de 25% as fi avut cistig curat 278571 Euroi.
Acum va las, ca miine ma scol deveme, ma duc la munca!
Update: 28.09 ora 20:00
Valoarea actiunii a scazut dramatic, doar intr-o zi cu 80%, a juns la 3.9.

Uneori nu mai inteleg capitalismu!

P.S In schimb a crescut Gabriel Resources, aia cu Rosia Montana.

duminică, 26 septembrie 2010

ce faceti simbata?

Multi ani simbata a fost zi de munca. De la un timp e zi libera, da extrem de stresanta. Imi spun ca voi dormi mai tirziu, insa ceasu biologic ma scoala ca-n fiecare zi. Nefasta incepe cu intrebarile, ce facem azi? Pai, nu facem nimic, da absolut nimic. Nu se poate, zice. Sa mergem la cumparaturi, zice. Pai avem nevoie de ceva? Nu, da sa vedem ce mai e prin magazine. Sunt categoric, nu vreau sa stiu ce mai e prin magazine. Se mai gindeste, ii vine ideea, hai sa luam un covor nou, nu vezi ca asta e murdar ca dracu? Sau mai bine sa-l curatam. Cind aud ca e vorba de curatat accept sa mergem sa cautam unu nou.

Cautam la un magazin, apoi la altu, mi se par toate f. frumoase, as lua imediat. Nu-i asa simplu, zice nefasta, imi dovedeste ca absolut niciunu nu se potriveste. Rasuflu usurat, ea e f. indispusa.

Se face, in sfirsit de prinz, hai sa mincam in oras, zic, zice am gatit toata saptamina si tu vrei ca acuma sa se strice mincarea?

Ce facem diseara, vorbim cu niste preteni, avem mai multe variante, sa mergem la un concert, da nu gasim bilete, trebuia sa luam din timp, la restaurant, nu e bine pt. ca unii tin dieta, hai sa mergem la bazin, zic eu. Avem un Aquaparc in apropiere cu tot felu de smecherii. Toata lumea e entuziasta. Ne intilnim la oara H. Se dovedeste ca ideea mea a fost o prostie si mult mai bine ar fi sa mergem la cinema. In ultimii 20 de ani am fost de vro trei ori la cinema, da cedez. Gasim un film nou, cu Julia Roberts, Eat, pray, love, intram, sala arata bine, e arhiplina. Trece vro ora, ma plictisesc ingrozitor, vreau sa plec, nefasta si pretenii zic, nu, vreau sa plec si plec, ii las in sala.

Rar am vazut o idiotenie mai mare. Venim acasa cu totii, mincam ceva pus la repezeala.

A mai trecut o simbata!

Azi a fost duminica, am mai vazut un film , pe DVD, vorba vine am vazut, doar asa din doi in doi, un film oarecum interesant da totusi mult prea exagerat, se numeste Das Konzert. E vorba de rusi, evrei, tigani, francezi si muzica.

luni, 20 septembrie 2010

Curriculum Vitae

Hello Everyone,

My name is Ion Popescu, I am 32 years old, and have no sisters or brothers, so I was a spoiled only child. I am born in Bucharest, Romania, where I spent the first 12 years of my life, before I moved to Germany, with my parents in 1990, after the breakdown of the communistic regime. I think this was one of the first highlights in my life (of course with the exception of my birth). However the fist months in Germany were pretty difficult, I came in school, where I did not understand anybody, and nobody understand me (although I did not reach the puberty yet!). Thus, the initial enthusiasm were a little bit damped and now, after so many years, I could even say, that the highlight converted to one of the first low points in my life. Of course, I made it and after I passed the Abitur (the German university entrance qualification), I moved to Aachen, a very charming city not far from the Dutch and Belgium borderline. I started there to study mechanical engineering. After I failed the first two examinations, and I was completely disappointed about myself and I even had doubts (a little bit) if I have the talent, the understanding and the power to make it. This was definitely another low point in my life. I started to learn and to work harder than ever (till today), so I made it. After the 4. Semester I decided for the study specialization of aeronautical engineering. It was great to learn and understand the technical know-how necessary in order to realize one of the oldest dreams of mankind – to be able to fly.

The next, real highlight of my life was a 6 month internship period at XXX France, in the beautiful south-French city Toulouse. It was a very international and multicultural atmosphere, however from the technical point of view not very challenging. At work, in spite of the international and multicultural atmosphere I was constrained to learn French, which was at the end very good for me. Another highlight in the Toulouse period was that I met my wife; we married in 2005 and have a little daughter, of almost 2 years, called Maria.

Besides, all the points already mentioned, the most decisive point for/in my career was the first job in YYYY at a research institute on Composite materials, with very close collaboration to beeep. I worked there as research and scientific assistant, with the goal to get a PhD. It was initially not my plan to go for a PhD. however the economic situation constrained me to do so, since this seemed to me to be the best option. In the first 3 months, every day after work I thought about the option to quit. My chief and Professor had a very laisser-faire leadership style, I had a freedom of research and work which was scary/frightening for me at that time. I tried many times to discuss with my Professor, who was not only my chief, but only the main adviser of my PhD work. I remember his sentence “Ion, it is very hard in life to get the money of other people”. I interpreted this sentence, that it is difficult to convince people. I don’t know if I got the money of all people in this period, but his money and that of many others too. Thus I organized my job by myself (very self), started with a fundamental research project funded by the German research society on the propagation behavior of stress waves in composites. My professor was more a technology manager than a scientific professor. He is also in the top management of YYYY , thus he asked always for application, although I was not the initiator of this project. Somewhere on a conference I heard the first time the magic word “SHM” which was the topic I spent the next 4 years of my professional career. It was not difficult to convince my Professor, that this is the application he/or me?? Was looking for. Nobody at XXXX heard anything about that topic; it was completely new for us, with all the pros and cons. One of the problems was that nobody at XXXX (incl. my chief) could give me any technical advice – this was the cons, but the big pros, was that I could do whatever I liked to do. I created a small team of 3-4 students in the framework of bachelor internship and master students in order learn about this topic. We created a small lab with an experimental set-up (I got immediately the budget for that from my Professor) and an analytical team, including wave simulation based on FEM etc. A big highlight in this period was the speech of an American professor at an SHM Workshop, who really fascinated me. I talked to him and could arrange to spend some time with him in his lab at the University ZZZZ in the US. It was a hard-working period and very inspiring. He even agreed to become my second adviser for my PhD work. Of course, my Professor at YYYY agreed. During this time at YYYY I had also many times the opportunity to do the courses of my chief, to get and apply for funding at EU, LuFo and other regional places. I had meetings with project proposal evaluators and tried of course to get (again!!) their money. Sometimes it even worked!! Last but not least, this 4 years period in beep at YYYY was the period with the greatest impact on my professional development, especially the fact to deal with professional liberty and freedom. A part of my PhD work was even applied for German patent, and accepted. I made first experience to lead people (students in this case). I realized that there is no fixed formula to deal with them. Some student had to be motivated, other ones had to be stopped in their enthusiasm to assure to get results and not to start to much but to finish to less. This 4 years was a continuous highlight in my professional life (of course, but with only very less drawbacks).

Highly motivated and proud of an additional scientific title, I became Dr. Popescu (although my name was long enough already before) in September 2008 I started at XYXYXY, in the department xxx for Design Automation and Optimization. It is the same department in which I did my diploma thesis 4 years ago. I kept contact to the head of the department, who is now head of the main department beep the whole time. After the liberty I had in beeep, of course I felt quite “braked” at the beginning. I started with small “things”, programming of Excel macros and FORTRAN subroutines. But after 6 months I became responsible for two technology projects on composite structural design, although small (80 kE year budget), I was project manager. Wow! Later I become responsible for all work packages of Structural biiiiiip. Regular highlights are the project reviews with the technology and innovation management. During the preparation of each review I think about the wise words of my PhD father: Ion, remember, It is hard to get the money of other people.

When I don’t think about composite, about getting other people’s money, I love to play the guitar, to make sports (specially jogging, since it is one of the most efficient sport, when you do not have much time), and to cook (I start this in France, when in our student hostel every body had to cook one time a week for the others). But right now, I have to convince my daughter to let me do that. Believe me, this is sometimes much harder than to convince in the professional life, so it is very difficult “to get her money”.

As career goal I would say: I would like to get into a position in which I reach my personal incompetence at the highest level and to get the money of other people.

Finally I can say in the past I learned very much about very less, in the future it would love to learn very less but about very much.

Last but not least: you asked about an object which represents me: Hmmm…I brought an airplane. But I do not know in how far this represents me. I simply like it. I like the way it combines many different requirements and many different disciplines. It is a very harmonic thing, and this is one of the main reasons, it works and it is able to realize one of the oldest dream of mankind – the ability to fly.

vineri, 17 septembrie 2010

Trenule masina mica, unde-l duci pe Ionica..

Tare mult imi place tehnica, nu numai avioanele da si trenurile. Azi va voi prezenta ultima realizare a firmei Siemens, Velaro D. Velaro e marca inregistrata Siemens pt. trenuri de mare viteza. Au fost construite multe variante, exportate in Spania, cele mai luxoase si rapide trenuri, cu o viteza de 400km/h si patru clase, exportate in China sub denumirea de CH3, si in Rusia cu denumirea Sapsan, tradus inseamna vultur calator.

Velaro D va fi prezentat in urmatoarele zile la Innotrans, in Berlin, cea mai mare expozitie de trenuri din lume. Am vazut prezentarea trenului intr-un ziar german. Am intrat pe comentarii, m-am simtit ca-n Romania, toti nemtii, aproape fara exceptie, care comentau, erau circotasi, unu scrie ca a mers cu trenu si minacarea era proasta, altu ca n-a gasit loc, ca a avut intirziere, ca de ce trebe sa mearga cu 300 la ora, lui ii e suficient 160, si, si , si... singura diferenta e ca nimeni nu a scris nimic de Basescu.

Mi-am adus aminte de Velaro Russland, vedeti aici un film Сапсан , rusii sunt f. multumiti de acest tren, da numai unii, cei care merg cu el, de altfel nu merge prea repede, de abia 250km/h, de la Sankt Petersburg la Moskva. da e proiectat sa mearga prin zapada si viscol la o temperatura de -50°C. Cei care locuiesc insa pe linga linie sunt extrem de suparati. Sinele nu sunt in nici un fel protejate, trenurile merg f. repede si sunt f. silentioase, astfel ca traversarea liniei ferate e o adevarata aventura. Din nefericire au fost destul de multe accidente tragice atunci cind Ivan a inercat sa treaca repede linia. Nici poduri sau tunele nu prea sunt asa ca se asteapta la bariere ore in sir, ba trece un tren dintr-un sens ba dintr-un altu. Autoritatile au instalat niste difuzoare f. puternice care avertizeaza cind vine trenu, avertizarea incepe cu ca. 30 minute inainte de trecerea trenului, fapt ce-i enerveaza extrem pe mujicii care locuiesc pe linga linie.

Fiind un popor de revolutionari, mujicii iau masuri, arunca cu pietre in tren si aproape zilnic nimeresc ferestrele care trebuiesc schimbate si nu sunt ieftine.

Citeam pe undeva ca si Ro ar vrea sa bage trenuri de mare viteza, nu pot decit sa spun, atentie, vine trenu!

marți, 14 septembrie 2010

Martea sunt trei ceasuri rele.

Nu stiu altii cum sunt da io sunt convins ca voi muri intr-o marti. Nu cred ca are mare importanta ziua, da orsicit.
Am programat de vro doua saptamini delegatia de azi. Nu ma simteam prea in apele mele, trebe sa vorbesc englezeste. Cindva m-am inregistrat vorbind englezeste, de atunci mi-e f. rusine sa vorbesc, prea tare, englezeste, si vorbesc f. incet, da nu aude nimeni, sau vorbesc f. repede. Trebuia sa ajung la ora 9:00 trecute fix, la vro 320km departare de casa. Am vrut sa merg cu trenu da nu am gasit nici o legatura. Singura solutie ar fi fost sa plec cu o seara inainte, deci as fi lasat-o pa nefasta singura doua nopti. Am nefasta frumoasa, nu pot s-o las asa singurica singurica, doua nopti.
Asa ca mi-am zis inchiriez o masina. Buuun. Am inchiritat-o de cu seara, misto masina, cabrio. Am bagat, tot de cu seara, adresa in navigatie, urma sa fac vro trei ore, m-am gindit ca daca plec la cinci de acasa mai am timp si sa beau o cafea pa drum. La cinci intuneric ca-n nuca, ploua, ploua si bate vintu frunza-n dunga. Bine ca am cabrio. Prima parte a drumului o fac vitejeste, 180-200km/h. Pe undeva se lumineaza, autobahnu se umple, peste tot sirene, pompieri, accidente, navigatia ma scoate din autostrada, deja nu mai am sanse sa ajung la timp. Bag tare, intru din nou in autostrada, curba strinsa la dreapta, la schimbat autostrada, ploua, nu se vede mare lucru, deodata primesc o lumina rosie, ma uit, merg cu 100, pa curva era 30.

Ajung cu doar cinci minute intirziere.

Imi piere chefu de englezi, care de fapt erau suedezi si finlandezi si norvegieni, renunt la invitatia la masa de seara, bag computeru in internet, in hotel, pt. depasirea de viteza preconizata, amenda 240 Euroi, 4 pct. de penalizare si o luna carnetu suspendat.

Ma duc sa beau o vodca si un vin si o vodca, totusi a mai trecut o marti si nu am murit!