
sâmbătă, 1 septembrie 2018

Cum era sa ajung la Parlamentul European

Cineva, f. bine intentionat, mi-a scris ca as putea sa-mi prezint cartea la Bruxelles. In curind va avea loc acolo conferinta:
„România și Regiunile Istorice în Anul Centenar – Cultură, Identitate, Valori Europene” . 

 Conferința va avea loc pe 5 septembrie, între 13:00 și 17:00.

Pentru buna organizare a trebuit sa trimit mai multe date personale care au fost intimpinate cu: "Va multumim pentru email si confirmam acreditarea. Ne bucura si ne onoreaza participarea dumneavoastra!" 

Un pic emotionat, am comandat rapid la editura un nr de carti, nu mai aveam deloc, care au fost trimise direct in Germania, prin procedura de urgenta, lucru care a costat, bineinteles, destul de mult. Nefasta a zis ca merge si ea cu mine, asa ca am cautat un hotel cit mai aproape de locul unde se tinea conferinta, hotel care nu era prea ieftin. Din fericire ea avea destui pantofi si destule rochite. Ingrijorat ca nu am cu ce sa ma imbrac am probat costumul de conferinte, pe care nu-l mai purtasem de vro doi ani, de la o nunta. Mergea, desi piriia un pic pe burta, da poate mai slabesc in doua saptamini. Urma sa tin si un speach f. scurt, dar in engleza, limba pe care o stapinesc mai putin, cindva stiam destul de decent dar, de cind ma chinui sa-nvat germana, am cam uitat. Asa ca am scris un text, pe care l-a corectat un bun prieten si l-am invatat, repetindu-l si inregistrindu-l de mai multe ori, pt. a-mi corecta pronuntia. De transport nu era problema, mergeam cu masina personala deoarece nu e prea departe.
Iata textul:

As I was looking, many years ago, for a job in Germany, I sensed disbelief in the eyes of my interviewers while they briefly scanned my CV. It happened when they reached that spot where I entered “aviation industry in Romania” as my past working experience. It wasn’t easy to convince them that such an industry exists in earnest, trust me. In fact, Romania’s been involved in designing and manufacturing airplanes for more than a century now. It may be worth to mention pioneers as Aurel Vlaicu and Traian Vuia (airplane Vlaicu I won the top prize at the 1911 Viena acrobatic aviation show) or Ellie Carafoli and Henry Coanda that made important contribution to development of aerodynamics and jet propulsion respectively. Before Second World War, the Romanian aviation provided jobs to about twenty thousand engineers and produced a wide range of light aircraft like the IAR 80, the most famous fighter you never heard of. As the mythological Phoenix, after the second world war the wings of the industry got burnt by the strong sun coming from the east (whole factories were dismantled and taken east). Only a couple of hundreds of enthusiasts kept the hope alight, and the myth proved its powers eventually.

In the last quarter of the twenty’s century, various projects (both civilian and military) started to grow wings. Among about a dozen projects, the need of an indigenous jet fighter was on the agenda. For about twenty years, I was part of the team that designed three types of jets: fighter IAR93, trainer IAR99 and supersonic fighter IAR95. The first two projects were fulfilled all the way, and while IAR93 was withdrawn form service due to political issues, the IAR99 is still flying for Romanian Air Force. The supersonic project never reached the production level. The events that shook Eastern Europe in 1989 completed another cycle of Phoenix myth. Apart from freezing all projects, another effect was the disbanding of the teams that gathered specific expertise so far. Most of the engineers found themselves positions at various levels in the aviation industry worldwide. 
Phoenix ash gone with the wind!

Nu-i asa ca e f bun si sensibil? 

Dar, am primit un alt e-mail de confirmare:

"Cu parere de rau, insa, nu va putem oferi  spatiul necesar pentru prezentarea cartii dvs. cu aceasta ocazie.
Ne cerem scuze pentru neintelegerea de la mijloc. 
Cu deosebita consideratie,"

Un comentariu:

  1. Nu-ți face sânje rau, ai mai învățat nițică engleza.
    Mă gândesc că dacă le ziceai că te duci cu avionul proiectat de tine, sigur te primeau.

