
vineri, 20 iulie 2012


Boeing, un avion din fibra de carbon!

4 comentarii:

  1. Ce frumos, mi-ar place sa fiu si eu acolo cand ia virajele.Pacat ca nu sunt baiat ca m-as fi facut pilot

  2. Aluminiul contraataca:

    Researchers at Delft University of Technology have created an aluminum composite material that is stronger than carbon fiber, costs less to manufacture, weighs 20% less and is immune to metal fatigue.
    Boeing's 787 Dreamliner has received a lot of press surrounding the fact that it's created largely out of a carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) material. While this makes it lighter and stronger than traditional aircraft aluminum, it's also more expensive to manufacture.
    According to the researchers, simple repairs to the CentrAl material can also be carried out immediately. This is unlike CFRP constructions which often require complete component replacement.

    1. merci Vali, articolu e din 2007, daca era asa de minunat mai aflam ceva de el. Presupun ca e vorba de GLARE, e deja folosit la A380, vezi aici

      L-am studiat si noi, nu e rau dar se exagereaza, nu e in nici un caz mai usor ca Fibra de carbon. De fapt GLARE e o combinatie fibra de sticla cu folii de alu.

    2. Ei se jura ca nu e vorba de GLARE ci de ceva "similar":

      Similar in concept to the Glare material that Airbus is employing extensively in the upper fuselage and leading edges of stabilizers in the huge A380, but incorporating thicker laminate layers, CentrAl starts with layers of glass fiber/epoxy sandwiched between layers of aluminum.
      Between the fiber and the aluminum are layers of a proprietary resin-rich material that its developers call "BondPreg." These layers cause the aluminum to adhere to the glass fiber and also help to spread stress loads evenly throughout the laminate. Thick layers of advanced aluminum, attached strongly to the CentrAl laminate using BondPreg, form the outside of the sandwich.

      Oricum, e adevarat ca nu s-a mai auzit nimic de atunci deci ar putea avea alte probleme si chiar si mie (sint complet paralel cu domeniul) mi se pare ciudat ca Al+fibra de sticla < fibra de carbon ca si greutate, dar tocmai din cauza asta eu nu-i pot contrazice (rezultat al paralelismului).

      Ce parere aveti atunci de chestia asta:
      pare un fel de fibra de carbon aditivata la greu cu Al.
      Si se zice ca este destinata tot aplicatiilor aero.

